We have now been married for a little over ten months, and I feel it unnecessary to back track that far...Just know that our life is awesome, and I love being married to Mr. B. Speaking of the Bensonater, he applied for graduation last week...yes folks, that's right, he's almost there! I am so proud of him for working so hard...I can't wait and see what he decides to do next!
To top it off, lets end with some Halloween pictures...Please excuse the poor quality, they were taken with my phone.
Me and Bens...any guesses what we are?
Joey's Halloween costume. No, kidding! But is there anything funnier than a dog in a diaper?
and the grand finale! She might kill me for posting this one, but have you ever seen a better witch?
Until next time, I hope life is treating you well!
Besos, celia